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Path Map

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Path Description

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  • follow the A12 Highway to CECINA exit;
  • immediately after the toll, drive on SS1 freeway and follow GROSSETO, ROMA;
  • drive for about 30 km, do not exit at SAN VINCENZO NORD, follow up to GROSSETO, ROMA and SAN VINCENZO SUD to the South and exit the freeway at SAN VINCENZO SUD;
  • go right at the exit, 90 degrees; follow San Vincenzo on the right for about 300 m driving to the West; do not enter the industrial area, which is the first on your right; go on to the STOP sign; you’re arriving on the SS1 bis, Aurelia;
  • go right at the STOP (90 degrees again) direction San Vincenzo (brown sign for Populonia), then drive about 550 m on the SS1 bis; at this stage, you are driving North again;
  • go right (90 degrees again) at the roundabout when and follow the signs SAN CARLO e AGRITURISMO IL CARDINALE; DO NOT DRIVE STRAIGHT ON TO SAN VINCENZO, where it is another road to SAN CARLO, which is the wrong one;
  • go ahead to the East for about 2 Km climbing to the hill (and pass under the SS1 freeway you just had left); the sign and the gate of IL CARDINALE are on the right side (the automatic gate is big and grey).

For your GPS: 43.092383,10.574275